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Director’s Message (Feb 3, 2021)

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1. Study in short chunks
Short study sessions help the synapses in your brain process information much better than lots of information in long sessions. Try setting aside 30 minutes before or after work to dedicate to your study. Avoid all-nighters, start planning and reading early in the study period and make a study schedule.
2. Get in the zone
Create the ideal study space, and gather all the books and items you will need. This prep time also prepares the brain for study. Also, limit distractions – if you must listen to music, choose melodic music without lyrics and of course, leave your phone alone and stay off social media.
3. Sleep well and exercise
You absorb information better when you’re alert, well-fed and rested – and even better after you’ve exercised. It’s important to ensure you’ve consumed nutritious foods to get your brain powered up – things like fish, nuts, berries and yoghurt. It also pays to stay hydrated and get up to move in between your 30-minute sessions.


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Welcome to the 2021 new year Focus Center Family!
Please remember that students attending the Focus Center are required to sign up & attend a once a week Social Emotional Well-being (SEW) class.
We love to see and work with our students!!!
Looking forward to seeing you in the next week!
Suzanne Palmer – Assistant Principal


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During this holiday season, this year especially, is a great time to come up with new ideas and approaches to serve others. Here are a few ideas that may generate your creativity:
Hold or Get the Door for Someone
Help Someone Achieve a Goal
Listen Intently in Conversation
Be a Mentor to Someone
Pick Up Loose Garbage
Give Books You’ve Read Away
The Focus Center wishes you and your family a wonderful Holiday Season. STAY SAFE!!!


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Happy Gratitude Month Focus Center Family!
Here is a simple gratitude challenge for our students and their families.

Make a goal to complete some, or all of the challenge items!
Say “thank you” for something specific to 3 people in 1 day!
Show & share gratitude with positive social media.
Call someone and tell them how grateful you are for them and why.
Write a handwritten note of gratitude to anyone of your choice.
Find something about yourself every day that you are grateful for
and say it out loud! Example: “Thanks eyes, for seeing
the mountains!”

We are so grateful when our students come into the Focus Center, to take their SEW class and work on curriculum ☺ ☺ ☺
Thank you, Suzanne Palmer


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Just wanted to share with your student some strategies for successful TIME MANAGEMENT:
1) Map out weeks- on Sundays discuss upcoming week
2) Use calendar updates
3) Break big tasks into smaller ones
4) Prep for school the night before
5) Have a place for everything
6) Time yourself- how long things really take, instead of what you think

Hope you have a great start to the new term. Please come in for assistance as often as you can. We are here to help!

TAKE CARE, Kristopher

Click here to see the latest Focus Center Newsletter.

Assistant Principal’s Message:

By Announcements

I love the 2020-21 Alpine School District theme, “One Community, One Vision” and theme has an even more significant meaning this year as our whole community deals with COVID-19. The following humorous thought came across my desk and I want to share it with our Focus Center family:
”I keep hearing that it takes a village to raise a child…. So does the village just show up, or is there a number I should call?
Could each of us relate? More importantly, we all know that it definitely takes a village as one community, with one vision to raise a child. When we enroll a new student into our program, I love to invite the student to look around the table and see who is on their team. I also make sure the student knows that they are the captain of their team. What teammates are seated at the table? Someone from the referring school, from home, and from the Focus Center are all present to help, encourage and support.

It truly takes a village to raise a child. A village within one community and with one vision. I am grateful to work with these fantastic students and to be part of their team!

Have a Fabulous Fall, Suzanne Palmer – ESFC Assistant Principal

Click here to see the latest Focus Center Newsletter.

By Announcements

Director’s Message:

Hello Focus Center Stakeholders,

Let me take a minute to introduce myself. I am Kristopher Packer, the new Director of the East Shore Focus Center. Having worked in the Alpine School District for 29 years, I love to advocate for students and their success. My educational career began as a visual arts teacher for 17 years and have been an administrator for 12 years. I look forward to working with our Focus Center students and their families. Click here to see the latest Focus Center Newsletter.

Take care, Kristopher